Thursday, October 9, 2014

Do you hear that??

What is that?  Do you hear it?

It is the NOISE and CHAOS of the world...
it's trying to drag you away from the
 blessings, message and life God has for you - - 
to rob you of the Joy and the Peace that your 
Father designed for you!

Draw close to God - Choose to hear His calling - 
Follow His Word and live by His Grace.

I was blessed to grow up in a family that knows God -
I mean really KNOWS Him - 

My momma taught us that
 God quiets my heart but satan rushes me...
God reassures me but satan wants to strike fear in my heart...
God leads me but satan tries to shove me...
God calms me but satan wants me frantic...
God forgives me but satan continually tries to condemn me ...
God gives me discernment and wisdom while satan tries to confuse me...

Ask God to show you what you are hearing...
Is it noise and chaos or is it the whispers of God's voice?

#ChooseGod #thebestyes #shutoffthenoise

Friday, September 26, 2014

Brand Loyalty....

How many of us remember shopping with our Mom?  
Whether it was at the grocery store or buying shoes, 
you know there were some dos and don'ts involved!

Careful consideration was given to purchases - 
loyalties were formed!
Certain milk was better than others 
and deemed the "only" milk for our home...
(and if you know my family - 
you know I'm talking "Borden WHOLE Milk" people!)
Some shoes were only to be purchased 
at a certain department store 
and after all - if my momma's feet were to be 
standing in those shoes all day - they better be comfy!

Now I share these things not to sound elitist 
or have a "better-than-you" posture, but to share 
how choosy we can all be about our personal preferences 
and perhaps invite you to embrace and teach a 
new "Brand Loyalty" to those you love...

What if over the next few months, you were diligent 
to choose to teach your loved ones the "Brand Loyalty"
of choosing God - knowing God - - - 
I mean really KNOWING Him!  
Not just knowing of Him... I'm suggesting
learning more about Him by studying scripture, 
loving God with your whole heart and soul, 
serving Him where HE invites you to share
His care and concern for others 
CHOOSING HIM among all 
the distractions and chaos
the world throws our way each day.

I believe that God is calling every one of His children
to share more than ever His plan for eternal life 
with everyone we meet....

Teach scripture that will 
remind your children: 
where the real priorities lie,
allow them to stand tall in times of trial,
help them in times of despair,
celebrate in times of joy 
and worship the One 
whose love is SO Great
Teach your loved ones 
that only in THE ONE
is their hope found.

Can you think of anything better than creating
a new "Brand Loyalty" with the Savior?
I certainly can't!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Restoration - A Needed Renewal

When I was a young girl, my parents would load me and my younger brother up on a hot weekend day and we would embark on an antiquing venture -  sometime to an estate auction or sometimes just to cruise the Farm to Market roads across Texas looking for little "hole-in-the-wall" antique stops.  

Each trip was an adventure - a real treat - because we NEVER knew what would be returning home with us in the back of that old station wagon or in the old SUV...but one thing would be for certain...every time my brother and I would look at each other and think ...
"Are you kidding me?  WHY do they want to bring THAT home?!"  

For evenings and weekends after those treasure hunting trips, we would see (and sometimes help) our parents restore those old and delapidated antique pieces that had been deemed "UGLY and UNWANTED" by me and my brother into beautiful and treasured pieces to adorn our home.  Some pieces were weathered - as someone thought storing them in an old barn was a good idea -  while others had been covered in layer after layer of "new" paint to meet the fancy of it's owner.   However, each and every time - my parents wanted to strip away the layers of old chipped  paint or cracking varnish and restore the piece to it original beauty.   The same beauty that was created by the Master craftsman as his hands carved each piece, or joined each corner, fashioning it with tedious attention to detail.

As I think upon the scripture in Psalms 23:3 where the Psalmist tells us "He restores my soul...", I think of the loving work and time put into restoring each antique piece to its original beauty and functional use.  

God desires to restore us in that same sense - and exploring the Hebrew meaning of the the word "restore" really made impact on my heart.  Are you aware that the word restore in Hebrew means: to relieve, to build again, to bring home, to recover, to refresh, to bring back, to rescue??  Now THAT has impact!  

Have you ever felt like parts of you are giving way?  That the very fiber of your being is being shredded into scraps? That you are collapsing under the weight of life?   Friend, if you are feeling broken down - in need of rebuilding - some relief - or even RESCUE . . . Come,  Come to the One that is waiting to restore you - to what HE, the Master Creator, made you to be.  Yield your heart to our Heavenly Father - who waits to Refresh You - RENEW YOU - and Build you up with His Arms of Love.  He doesn't worry about your broken parts - or the parts that are failing - or need fix in' up (as we say in the South) - He longs to refresh you and bring you back to the life He meant you to live.

The Creator loves it when we spend time with Him and He longs to be the One we desire. I pray today, in the quiet moments,  you meet the One who loves you in ways that cannot be measured.

Remember most of all - You are Treasured and Blessed!

Friday, July 11, 2014

YOU are Chosen - Don't forget

YOU are precious and valuable 
to Our Heavenly Father...
Precious to the One who CHOSE you,
REDEEMED you and LOVES you with 
a LOVE that has No Measure.

It breaks my heart to see so many people
 with labels pasted on their hearts--- 
some read "failure", some read "not good enough", 
some read "never gonna' be worth it"
...some are self tagged and others allowed those around them 
to "slap" a label on by way of judgement
of past behavior, bad choices, wrong turns and down right SIN.

Let me tell you...I wore some labels for a long time...
some I earned, some were ones that I let others place on me, 
some were seemingly engraved -  not just placed - on my heart...
but once I realized how God saw me - I mean REALLY saw me,
I began to let HIS Word act as a solvent to 
dissolve each one of those destructive labels.
His Word made it perfectly clear to me that
those labels DO NOT come from 
the ONE who loves you...
He doesn't see you and I that way at all...
He sees us with eyes of Love.

 GOD choose each one of us - 
and the GOOD news is --- 
when we come to our Father,
through our savior Jesus, 
confessing our sins with a repentant heart, 
He forgives us and wipes
even the MEMORY of our Sin away.

Today - let God help you Know His Love,
His Grace, His Peace and His Forgiveness...
and most of all - - - Let Him write these words of 
Love on your HEART so that you never forget - - - 


Clicking on this image will allow you 
to save & print from your computer.
Print the image here 
 to fit an 8"x 8" frame.

Always know you are Treasured and Blessed by Him!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Giving away stress...

Isn't that an odd thought?

Who in their right mind wants our STRESS?

Well, to be perfectly candid... God does.

In I Peter 5:7-8 - God shares with us that
He wants us to give Him every worry,
every anxious thought, every doubt and more!
Why??  Because "He cares for you!"
How wonderful that we can hand off
all the worries, concerns, challenges, etc. of
our life to the One who cares for us!

The Scripture goes on to encourage us to
"Be self-controlled and alert".
Wow!  Those Words hit me...and encouraged me to
be conscious of how Satan prowls around tempting us
to give up on what God has called us to do,
to miss the blessings God has for us when we are in His Will,
and to be tempted to manipulate our own way through life.

If you are like me, you might be a slight bit
hard headed, so let me encourage you - - -
God has the ultimate best plan for our lives.
We struggle to set goals and plot the
course for our future,
but true Joy is met when
God does the leading and
we choose to follow.

So pack up your anxiety and hand it off to God...
Read His Word and discover His plan for you...
and be aware that the whisperings of doubt do not come
from the ONE that cares for you!

I share this Scripture art below for you to
print and frame as encouragement.

Clicking on the image will allow it to open it
to save & print from your computer.
Printing the image in the size created
 fits an 8"x10" frame.

Always know you are Treasured and Blessed by Him!

Friday, January 24, 2014


Have you ever stopped to think of that word: Craving?

Let me tell you...Chocolate...I LOVE Chocolate!  
Sometimes I find myself craving chocolate...
And Coffee!! Goodness, how I crave that each morning...
...such warmth on a cold dawn! Each of us have favorite foods, 
favorite TV programs, favorites past times...we crave them 
when we miss them!  We can't wait to get back to them 
when we are away from them, or them from us! 

But - that isn't what God intended...
...He desires for us to Crave Him - above all else.   
To reach for Him when we need comfort or warmth... run to Him as a child would run into a parent's arms 
seeking comfort, nourishment and love. 
Each day as society urges us further away 
from our One True God, 
I find that it becomes more important than 
ever for me to truly Crave God!  
Putting Him first in my life - as He intended...
to talk with Him - - -but most importantly to LISTEN 
to Him as He guides me though each day.

I'm participating in a study that started this 
and I urge you to become involved too!  
Push the clutter of your life out of the way and 
get connected to real women with hearts for God 
and a true desire to encourage each other 
as God speaks to our hearts...urging us to CRAVE Him.

Come along with me on this blog as I share various scripture
 and thoughts on how God's love blesses us daily.

More than you can imagine you are 
Treasured & Blessed in the eyes of God.