YOU are precious and valuable
to Our Heavenly Father...
Precious to the One who CHOSE you,
REDEEMED you and LOVES you with
a LOVE that has No Measure.
It breaks my heart to see so many people
with labels pasted on their hearts---
some read "failure", some read "not good enough",
some read "never gonna' be worth it"
...some are self tagged and others allowed those around them
to "slap" a label on by way of judgement
of past behavior, bad choices, wrong turns and down right SIN.
Let me tell you...I wore some labels for a long time...
some I earned, some were ones that I let others place on me,
some were seemingly engraved - not just placed - on my heart...
but once I realized how God saw me - I mean REALLY saw me,
I began to let HIS Word act as a solvent to
dissolve each one of those destructive labels.
His Word made it perfectly clear to me that
those labels DO NOT come from
the ONE who loves you...
He doesn't see you and I that way at all...
He sees us with eyes of Love.
GOD choose each one of us -
and the GOOD news is ---
when we come to our Father,
through our savior Jesus,
confessing our sins with a repentant heart,
He forgives us and wipes
even the MEMORY of our Sin away.
Today - let God help you Know His Love,
His Grace, His Peace and His Forgiveness...
and most of all - - - Let Him write these words of
Love on your HEART so that you never forget - - -
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Always know you are Treasured and Blessed by Him!
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