What is that? Do you hear it?
It is the NOISE and CHAOS of the world...
it's trying to drag you away from the
blessings, message and life God has for you - -
to rob you of the Joy and the Peace that your
Father designed for you!
Draw close to God - Choose to hear His calling -
Follow His Word and live by His Grace.
I was blessed to grow up in a family that knows God -
I mean really KNOWS Him -
My momma taught us that
God quiets my heart but satan rushes me...
God reassures me but satan wants to strike fear in my heart...
God leads me but satan tries to shove me...
God calms me but satan wants me frantic...
God forgives me but satan continually tries to condemn me ...
God gives me discernment and wisdom while satan tries to confuse me...
Ask God to show you what you are hearing...
Is it noise and chaos or is it the whispers of God's voice?
#ChooseGod #thebestyes #shutoffthenoise

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